So I just recently got an email from the Olympics 2010 website reminding me of the upcoming deadline to purchase my tickets. I don't know of many of you know this, but the ticketing system is done on a random draw bases instead of first come first serve.
If the ticket request for an event is below the capacity seatings, you will automatically be given the tickets, but for events that are high in demand, a draw would be done for all those who requested the tickets.
Priority goes to Canadian residents who selects the events to have your name in the draw before November 7th 2008. This system is done in order to prevent scalpers from loading up on the tickets and selling it for more value.
Ticket priorities goes out to Canadians and for international (incl U.S.A) you have to purchase it through your own National Olympic Committee.
Here is the list of events that are HDS (High Demand session)
- Alpine skiing (Men Downhill)
- Opening Ceremony
- Snowboard (Women's halfpipe)
- Snowboard (Men's halfpipe)
- Ice Hockey (Women)
- Ice Hockey (Men)
- Speed Skating (Men's 5000m Final)
- Figure Skating (Pair's Free Program)
- Figure Skating (Pair's Short Program)
- Figure Skating (Men's Short Program)
- Figure Skating (Men's Free Program)
- Figure Skating (Ice dance Original/Free Dance)
- Short Track Speed skating (Men/Women)
- Speed Skating (Men's/Women's - 5000m/1500m/1000m/500m)
- Speed Skating (Men/Women Team Pursuit)
- Freestyle Skiing (Men/Women Aerials Final)
- Curling (Men's/Women's Gold Medal)
- Alpine Skiing (Women's downhill)
Click here for the Vancouver 2010 Games Tickets