For those people who doesn't know what happened, Caitlin Davis was a New England Patriots cheerleader but during a party in a dorm room, she took pictures with a drunk boy who had swastikas drawn all over him as well as the words "penis" and "I'm a Jew." It is still unclear whether she was the one who drew on the boy or the culprit was somebody else, but these pictures appeared on Facebook and the 19-year old was fired by the Pats soon after.

This all happened at Boston College where I have actually been to and at this private jesuit university, I doubt they will let her off the hook that easily. It really is a great school but you can tell by the non-sorority there, they have strict rules. This has made it to National news and I don't think this is the publicity the school wants. Anyways, back to Caitlin Davis and the rest of the people who posts inappropriate pictures on Facebook. These things come back and bite you in the ass if you are not careful. I am sure she didn't think it was a big deal, but when you are under the spotlight like that anything will be scrutinized. I am always amazed at the stuff people put on Facebook especially the ones who cannot afford to lose their reputation. Mostly these famous girls who does something crazy - then to have their pictures on the web - and pays for it after. Buck Burnette is another prime example of people putting stuff on Facebook and paying for it. He posted "all the hunters gather up, we have a #$%&er in the whitehouse" as his Facebook status after Obama's presidential victory. How can people be so stupid.
So in conclusion and to sum up. Facebook is bad. and Sucks to BU (I thought this was hilarious when I first heard it at BC (Boston College) For all you Golden Eagles out there)