For all you jibbers and shredders out there. Whistler Blackcomb is opening their long awaited peak 2 peak gondola this winter.
Peak 2 Peak Explanation
For people who is not familiar with Whistler Blackcomb - Whistler is one mountain and Blackcomb is another mountain. They are next to each other, but the whole area is often just referred to as Whistler in the tourism industry. The gondola in essence connects the two at the peak hence the name peak 2 peak. Before, riders would have to make their way down near the bottom to cross mountains, but now they have virtually created one big mountain with the gondola.

Best Runs on Both Mountains
The Whistler Blackcomb magazine has put together a list of "bests" on both mountains now that the gondola is finished - a list of Best Runs specified by categories. The time to cross from Whistler to Blackcomb (or vice versa) only takes approximately 11 minutes now instead of riders picking only one mountain to spend their day.
Best Powder: - Harmony Bowl, Whistler Mountain
Scariest Line: - Air Jordan, Whistler Mountain
Best Park: - Nintendo Highlest level, Blackcomb Mountain
Best Cruising: - 7th Heaven, Blackcomb Mountain
Best Storm Riding: - Christmas Trees, Whistler Mountain

The hype around the mountains and the peak 2 peak gondola is enormous. Events are being set up from auctions to be the first one to ride the gondola to a virtual experience and a Google Earth Flyover of the area.
With the Olympic tickets being sold and the torch relay route planned and scheduled, we are nearing the Olympics where the peak 2 peak gondola will be showcased to the world.
The Peak to Peak Gondola will start operation and take commercial customers on December 12, 2008 - The countdown begins.