Sports and Politics background:
Barack Obama and John McCain in an interesting move, is appearing in front of millions of football fans on Monday Night Football (MNF) the night before the election hoping to sway some votes in their favor. Political Campaigning this time around has taken them on some unconventional routes to win the confidence and support of voters. Sarah Palin dropped the puck at the Philadelphia Flyers and New York Rangers back around mid-October. Politics and sports are now more than ever intertwined as they try to create the camouflage of these politicians rooting for your favorite team thinking this will win them a vote.
Do you even care?
So the important question is, do you even care that Chris Berman is interviewing McCain and Obama? It seems like it has nothing to do with their policies or the election in general. But I guess appearing on the biggest stage in American culture, Monday Night Football, and speaking to millions of people wouldn't hurt. MNF is averaging 12.2million viewers this season. I am sure the number will be even higher come Monday night with non-traditional football fans tuning in to see whatsup.

I wonder if anybody will vote in the favor of a presidential candidate because of what they said on MNF. I would think the day before the election that all, if not majority of the people know who they are voting for. I just find the appearance on MNF by both candidates to be quite pointless.
Months of campaigning is almost to an end with the last stop at Monday Night Football. Soon enough we will find out whether those appearances on Saturday Night Live, Monday Night Football, and 30minute infomercial helped anyone with their campaigning.